Tag Archives: activities

Guitar Workshops looking to kick off from Saturday April 10!


All are welcome – any level. Even banjo pickers, bass players, whatever you play. it’s all good! We’ll trade sounds, make stuff up, arrange things, try out guitar games to learn new ways to play with others, check out different styles, do warm ups, all sorts. Any skill level is fine, because the stuff we’ll be playing has many layers for anyone to get into…. Also improvisations, rhythm skill, all that…no stuffy stuff. Just playing and learning stuff, and maybe having a cup of tea.

It’s £5 per session – there are updates from time to time here on gingermusiccompany.wordpress.com or check out the Ginger Music Company Website! – note we’re in the process of updating the workshops section so bear with it a mo! The last season ran Wednesday nights, and were class ! But time to switch to a weekend and get some summer sounds ready….

See you soon! email info@gingermusiccompany.com for more details….